Authentic Movement is a process of moving from one's impulses toward self understanding. It involves a blend of movement and discussion between the mover (client) and the witness (therapist) as a method of unveiling unconscious material and developing psychological ego strength. This process is evolved from Jungian principles of active imagination and Freudian concepts of free association, applied to the body.
This modality differs from traditional dance/movement psychotherapy by inviting clients to close their eyes and wait for an inner-impulse to move. Clients remain with eyes closed for an agreed period of time while becoming increasingly aware of their impulses. Individuals can physically move, enact, or deny impulses as they arise while the trained witness-therapist holds a safe space, reflecting back to the client from a place of non-judgment.
Limited to 5 participants
Weekly or Monthly
Designed for diverse group of professionals
Explore impulses, needs, and wants
Blend of movement and talk
Improvement in mood
Relief from anxiety and stress
Greater awareness of impulses and Self
Vehicle for transformation, healing, insight
Healthier & happier relationships with others
WEEKLY AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT GROUP: This closed group was established in 2013 and meets for 90 minutes weekly. It is geared for professionals who are seeking a greater presence with their authentic self. Clients tap into their authentic thoughts, feelings, sensations, and work toward personal and professional goals in life. Clients describe finding clarity, healthier relationships with others, and an improvement in overall mood. A safe space is provided for you to explore your authentic self within a supportive group setting. A nonjudgmental experience is cultivated, one that is dynamic, deeply personal, and integrating. Group members may join with the intention of exploring authentic impulses, gaining self-acceptance and/or discovering opportunity for change, particularly in the context of patterns, roles, and relationships.
MONTHLY AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT GROUP: This group meets once per month for 1 hour only. Movers are encouraged to explore impulses and arising themes followed by brief discussion, in a similar fashion to the weekly group but with much less overall time commitment.
HOW CAN I JOIN? Contact Kendra if you are interested in NYC Authentic Movement Group. Space is limited and consultation is required prior to attendance. You may also consider individual authentic movement as an alternative to the group process.
HOW CAN I LEARN MORE? Listen to this Mind Your Body interview about bridging conscious and unconscious material through authentic movement.